V-Trust Annual Meeting 2018

Over 200 staff members attended V-Trust Annual Meeting in Huizhou, China, 27-28 Feb, 2018.

Speech at Annual Meeting: “Maintaining a Focus on Continuous Improvement”, by Dr. Ted Zhang, CEO of V-Trust

A picture taken around 11:30pm on Feb. 27. After the annual dinner, the engineers cherished the chance to share their experience of how to ensure the inspection effectiveness.

Our inspectors based in Ningbo, Zhejiang area.

Our technical managers, engineers specialized in different product categories.

Our hosts at the annual party

Most Outstanding Employees Award

Staff members who got their first 5-Year Service Award in 2017

Fantastic dance by the Customer Service Department 2.

A beautiful song presented by our International Customer Service Team

Song and dance presented by the IT and Administration Department

“Little Olympics” at V-Trust